Colloquium_2020-09-08_Stephen _Casey_Edited
From Richard Ressler
From Richard Ressler
Title: A New Architecture for Cell Phones, Sampling via Projection for UWB and AFB Systems
Speaker: Stephen D. Casey
Date: September 8, 2020
Abstract: This talk develops a new approach to how signals are transmitted through cell phones. We will describe the current model for cell phone architectures (sample and hold) and a new approach to this architecture (signal projection) developed by the speaker. This architecture is a series of “mathematical gadgets" which have resulted in two United States Patents. We will describe these “gadgets," and explain why they make cell phone communication more efficient.We develop a new approach to signal sampling, designed to deal with ultra-wide band (UWB) and adaptive frequency band (AFB) communication systems. The overarching goal of the theory developed in this talk is to develop a computable atomic decomposition of time-frequency space. The idea is to come up with a way of non-uniformly tiling time and frequency so that if the signal has a burst of high-frequency information, we tile quickly and efficiently in time and broadly in frequency, whereas if the signal has a relatively low- frequency segment, we can tile broadly in time and efficiently in frequency. Computability is key; systems are designed so that they can be implemented in circuitry.